The Lord has said that in the last days there will be “wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them” (Doctrine and Covenants 45:26). As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are a people of peace. We follow the Savior, who is the Prince of Peace. We look forward to His millennial reign, when wars will end and peace will be restored to the earth (see Isaiah 2:4). However, we recognize that in this world, government leaders sometimes send military troops to war to defend their nations and ideals.
Latter-day Saints in the military do not need to feel torn between their country and their God. In the Church, “we believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law” (Articles of Faith 1:12). Military service shows dedication to this principle.
If Latter-day Saints are called upon to go into battle, they can look to the example of Captain Moroni, the great military leader in the Book of Mormon. Although he was a mighty warrior, he “did not delight in bloodshed” (Alma 48:11). He was “firm in the faith of Christ,” and his only reason for fighting was to “defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion” (Alma 48:13). If Latter-day Saints must go to war, they should go in a spirit of truth and righteousness, with a desire to do good. They should go with love in their hearts for all God’s children, including those on the opposing side. Then, if they are required to shed another’s blood, their action will not be counted as a sin.
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“‘Charity Never Faileth,’” Daughters in My Kingdom, chapter 5
Church Magazines
David Brent Marsh, “How Disciples of Christ Live in Times of War and Violence,” Ensign, September 2012
John L. Flade, “The Lord Was Always There,” Ensign, August 2011
Rachel Faas Trim with Danielle Nye Poulter, “Torpedoes, Typhoons, and War Stories,” New Era, July 2006
Robert K. Hillman, “Peace Amidst War,” Ensign, April 1989
Wilford Hill LeCheminant, “‘A Valiant Little Band’: LDS Soldiers in the Crimean War,” Ensign, January 1981
R. Lanier Britsch and Richard C. Holloman, Jr., “The Church’s Years in Vietnam,” Ensign, August 1980
Don A. Aslett, “My Souvenirs from World War II,” Ensign, July 1978
William G. Hartley, “War and Peace and Dutch Potatoes,” Ensign, July 1978
Eugene England, “Moroni and His Captains: Men of Peace in a Time of War,” Ensign, September 1977
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“Mormon Battalion Fact Sheet,” Newsroom
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“Remaining Steadfast in Strife—Werner Schmidt and Margot Sadowski,” Enduring It Well, episode 16
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“The Mormon Battalion,” Scripture Stories—Doctrine and Covenants Stories, episode 41
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